
Joint Meeting of the 17th Annual Meeting for Japanese Developmental Neuroscientists and the 20th Adult Neurogenesis Conference

2024.03.08 (Fri) and 03.09 (Sat)

Nagoya, Nagoya City University, Sakurayama Campus


Organized by

Kazunobu SAWAMOTO and Naoko KANEKO



The 19th Annual Meeting

2022.10.29 (Sat)

Kyoto, Kyoto University, Yoshida Campus (online as well) 

Organized by Itaru IMAYOSHI





1. Yujin HARADA, Postdoctoral fellow of The Rockefeller University (former Assistant professor of The University of Tokyo)
Roles of cell cycle inhibition in the genesis of adult neural stem cells
2. Takashi KAISE, Postdoctoral fellow of RIKEN CENTER FOR BRAIN SCIENCE, Laboratory for Neural Stem Cell Research
Functional rejuvenation of aged neural stem cells by Plagl2 and anti-Dyrk1a activity.
3. Sayako KATADA, Kyushu University, Graduate School of Medical Sciences
miRNAs secreted from the choroid plexus modulates adult neurogenesis in the mouse hippocampus
4. Jun NAGAI, Team leader, RIKEN CENTER FOR BRAIN SCIENCE, Laboratory for Glia-Neuron Circuit Dynamics
Towards understanding of astrocyte functional diversity and specificity
5. Takashi NAMBA, Group leader, University of Helsinki, HiLIFE - Helsinki Institute of Life Science, Neuroscience Center
Neural progenitor cell metabolism: from brain evolution to brain malformations
6. Masanori SAKAGUCHI, Associate Professor (PI), Univ. Tsukuba, Faculty of Medicine WPI-IIIS
Memory consolidation during sleep by the adult-born neurons
7. Tomoyuki MURANO, Assistant Professor, Fujita Health University, Institute for Comprehensive Medical Science, Division of Systems Medical Science
Repeated neural activation induces long-term changes in the nuclear organizations of neurons
8. Yuta KOHRO, Assistant Professor, Kyushu University, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Department of Molecular and System Pharmacology
Role of spinal Hes5⁺ astrocytes in somatosensory information processing
9. Tatsuhiro HISATSUNE, Associate Professor, The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences
Role of hippocampal newborn neurons in cognitive flexibility


Due to the COVID-19 anti-diffusion response, the meeting was held entirely online last year, but this year, we were able to hold the meeting both onsite and online. Around 60 people attended the conference, which was well attended and allowed for a fruitful discussion. We were able to reaffirm that research on neurogenesis is progressing rapidly, and we were also keenly aware of the increasing need for integration and collaboration not only within the fields of neuroscience, but also with various medical, biological and life sciences fields. This time, we were reminded of the importance of face-to-face discussions in the field. We hope that the Adult Neogenesis Annual Meeting can explore new ways of being with this opportunity of the after COVID-19.

19th Annual Meeting organizer

Itaru Imayoshi (Kyoto University)



The 18th Annual Meeting

2022.03.20 (Sun)


Organized by Masahiro YAMAGUCHI


The 17th Annual Meeting

2021.02.05 (Sat)


Plenary Lecture Tatsunori SEKI, Ph.D.

Special Lecture Gerd KEMPERMANN, Ph.D.

Organized by Masanori SAKAGUCHI


The 16th Annual Meeting

2020.02.21 (Fri) & 02.22 (Sat)

Sendai, Akiu Onsen Kagaribi no Yu Ryokusuitei

Keynote speaker Nannan GUO, Ph.D.

(Harvard Medical School Massachusetts General Hospital,  Center for Regenerative Medicine)

Organized by Noriko OSUMI


The 15th Annual Meeting

2019.02.02 (Sat)

Osaka, Osaka University, Nakanoshima Center

Organized by Hideki MOCHIZUKI


The 14th Annual Meeting

2017.12.02 (Sat)

Fukuoka, Kyushu University, Collaboration I 

Organized by Kinichi NAKASHIMA


The 13th Annual Meeting

2017.02.18 (Sat)

Shiga, Shiga University of Medical Science, Creative Motivation Center

Organized by Seiji HITOSHI



The 12th Annual Meeting

2015.11.14 (Sat)

Aichi, Nagoya City University Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Research Bld. 11th floor

Organized by Kazunobu SAWAMOTO


The 11th Annual Meeting

2014.12.06 (Sat)

Tokyo, University of Tokyo, Kashiwa Campus

Organized by Tatsuhiro HISATSUNE


The 10th Annual Meeting

2013.11.30 (Sat)

Tokyo, The Jikei University School of Medicine (Bld. 1, 5th floor, assembly hall)

Organized by Hirotaka James OKANO


The 9th Annual Meeting

2010.11.27 (Sat)

Tokyo, Tokyo Medical University (Bld. 1, 3rd floor, seminar room #1)

Organized by Tatsunori SEKI

The 8th Annual Meeting

2009.03.12 (Thur) & 03.13 (Fri)

Aichi, Okazaki conference center

Organized by Seiji HITOSHI


The 7th Annual Meeting

2008.03.22 (Sun)

Tokyo, University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Medicine, 2nd floor (教育研究棟)

Organized by Masahiro YAMAGUCHI


The 6th Annual Meeting

2007.02.24 (Sat)

Tokyo, Keio University School of Medicine, Shinanomachi campus

Organized by Kazunobu SAWAMOTO


The 5th Annual Meeting

2006.03.02 (Sat)

Tokyo, University of Tokyo, Kashiwa campus

Organized by Tatsuhiro HISATSUNE


The 4th Annual Meeting

2005.02.05 (Sat)

Tokyo, Juntendo University, Bild 9, 2nd floor seminar room

Organized by Hideki MOCHIZUKI


The 3rd Annual Meeting

2004.07.04 (Sun)

Tokyo, University of Tokyo Graduate School of Medicine, 13th floor (教育研究棟)

Organized by Masahiro YAMGUCHI


The 2nd Annual Meeting

2004.03.10 (Wed)

Tokyo, Keio Univerisry, School of Medicine, 11th floor Meeting room (新棟11階中会議室)

Organized by Hirotaka James OKANO


The 1st Annual Meeting

2003.10.11 (Sat)

Tokyo, Juntendo University, Graduate School of Medicine (Bld. 10, 6th floor, Room 603)

Organized by Tatsunori SEKI